Have you checked out our Respect at Work Course and our video tutorials for some inspiration?


How are you going with creating content in App-eLearn?

When you signed up for your free App-eLearn account, you also have been given free access to our Respect At Work Course that we have built in App-eLearn, from within the tool. It can give you an idea of App-eLearn’s endless possibilities for creating engaging and interactive learning content, ready to be deployed to any platform, including tablets and mobile phones, without extra development effort.

Here it is in a published version of the course, so you can go through it as if you were a learner: https://app-elearn.com/respect-at-work/

Also remember to watch the How-to video tutorials we have published so far, they are available in the Help section: https://www.app-elearn.com/help/

We will add a few more over the next couple of weeks.

Happy Friday, everyone!


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